100% Digital Program – Covered by your health insurance plan!
Participants have three physical activity tracks to choose from.
Participants receive tailored curriculum based on specific eating patterns and communications based on their results, goals, and needs.
Participants receive a variety of mind-body stress management strategies personalized to build a better life balance.
Sign-Up for Wondr
Learn simple, repeatable skills through weekly lessons
Reinforce and practice skills through weekly personalized lessons
Maintain progress with customizable lessons that keep the weight off, and so many other benefits
A renowned team of experts teach science-based skills through weekly videos that participants can access anytime, anywhere.
Wondr is led by a team of experts to teach you the science of taste, exercise, fullness, less stress, better sleep and more! Here's a "flavor" of some of the topics.
Northwest will be hosting optional monthly meetings for all participants interested in sharing what they are learning from the Wondr program. Offer support and encouragement while learning from one another.